Wednesday, March 26, 2025

10 Year Maple Babies

 We received this cute picture of Maple's sweet Double Doodle puppies from 10 years ago.  This was our last picture update before the puppies all headed home.  What a cute bunch!!!!!!!
We just love these adorable faces!!!!!
Mr. Black Pawprints Collar boy 
Cooper's PAWrents are looking forward to bringing home another Doodle Baby. We can't wait to see those new adorable puppies next week!

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

No Fooling

 We are exactly one week away from April Fool's Day....
 so just one more week until we have sweet
new Goldendoodle puppies to love!
We are anxiously counting down the days
until the stork arrives
We can't wait until our home is filled with little puppy paws to love
One week to go!
No fooling!

Monday, March 24, 2025

Jump For Joy

 We love all the sleepy Doodle Doggie pictures that we have been receiving!  Doodles on couches and beds and snuggling with their favorite humans.  Nothing beats a snuggly Doodle Doggie!!!
After all that quality snooze time, what could be next?
Who wants to play ball?
Let's see your favorite action photos
Please share your classic JUMP shot!
Happy Jump For Joy Monday!

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Pastel Deliciousness at Y Acres Studio

 Tax preparations has consumed all of our free time so the Y Acres Studio has been very quiet lately.  We missed being surrounded by color and needed to come up with a way to add a little color to our day.
Only one answer ......
Pastel M&Ms!!!!!
When time is short - M&Ms can solve any color dilemma
The hardest part is not eating them at this stage!!!
Happy Pastel Deliciousness at Y Acres Studio

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Playful Caturday

 Nothing is better on a rainy Caturday than hanging out and playing with Hazel
Check out this new ball!
Whoa!  I didn't know that was there
Race you to see who gets it first!
I have even more toys for you kittens!
Check out this feather!
This is a Happy Caturday!!!!!

Friday, March 21, 2025

Bed Hog FriYAY

 We simply love all the pictures we received from Doodle Couch Perchers!  Who knew so many Doodle Doggies would just love sitting on the back of sofas?!  I guess we can all agree it gives a great vantage point while providing maximum comfort!
Now let's hear it for all those Doodle Doggies who are bed hogs!!!
Is there or is there not - room for a human?
Let the Doodle Doggies decide!
Show us your favorite Doodle Bed Hogs!
Happy FriYAY!

Thursday, March 20, 2025


 Happy FIRST day of Spring!!!!
We awoke to a most glorious Spring morning.  The sun was shining.  The birds were singing.  The air was warm.  Spring has Sprung!!!
This beautiful March day came in like a lamb
and then this afternoon 
the skies darkened
The temperatures plummeted
the Lion roared as the
snow clouds filled the sky
Happy Spring!!!! .... (I think)

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Hint of Spring

 Tomorrow's weather is going to be a bit cold and dreary so today seemed like a much better day for celebrating the changing of the seasons. Today we were treated to a little preview of Spring and it felt wonderful. 
There is nothing like a fresh breath of Spring air to rejuvenate the soul.
Despite the forecast for the next 2 weeks.......
Spring is just around the corner!!!
Hazel set out on a serious Spring finding adventure walk
The fishies are waking up from their long winter's nap
Finding little treasures in the grass
Look at all these teeny tiny blossoms
It's a carpet of flowers
Colton says, Hazel...Come see my flowers!!!!"
Spring happiness is here!

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Couch Perching

  After yesterday's blog we received a few more updates from other Doodles who prefer sleeping on the BACK of the sofa.
Charlie Doodle Says, "But it's so comfy right here!"
Penny says, "Couch Perching is my favorite"
Any other Back of the Couch Doodles?
Show us your best couch perching photos!

Monday, March 17, 2025

Woof Charlie

 Charlie Doodle has been a very good boy since leaving Camp Always Amelia.  Charlie is so sweet in sending Hazel updates on how he is doing.  Hazel loves hearing from Charlie and brings her own "Charlie Doodle" doggie with her every day. Hazel says HI CHARLIE!
Charlie has a new favorite lounging spot
He says the couch cushions are sooooooooo comfy
Charlies says blankies are pretty nice too!
Hi Hazel!!!!!
Woof Charlie

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Equipment Hauler Y Acres Studio

 Colton has amassed a very nice equipment collection. He can't possible leave home without his beloved excavator and dump truck and skid steer and roller...and...and...and. 
It is a lot to keep track of!
It was obvious he was in dire need of an equipment hauler. 
Y Acres Studio to the rescue!
Unfortunately, Grandma does NOT have any construction fabric
but I did have pretty cool train fabric
Time to get busy
This farm fabric will make a perfect bag lining
Time to sew this equipment hauler together
Outside and inside of bag
Drawstring casing
Almost done!
Just need to make the drawstrings
One Drawstring Backpack Bag Complete
Excuse me.....
I meant One Equipment Hauler Complete!!!!!
Happy Hauling from Y Acres Studio

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Koala Devon Caturday

 Our little Devon Rex Kittens are getting the hang of climbing their kitten tree.  They are quite proud of themselves.
Hazel said this Caturday - we have Koala kittens...
What do you think?
Oh hi there!
Don't mind me
I am a Koala kitten!
I think I will just hang out here
Want to join me?
Room for two!
You mean room for three!!!!
Happy Koala Devon Caturday!!!!

Friday, March 14, 2025

Fresh for Spring

 Ms. Lula Doodle sent us her "Fresh for Spring" grooming photo ....
Wow Ms. Lula!!!! You are so pretty and so ready for Spring!!!
We love your hair bows!!!!
Thank you for sharing!
Let's hope for beautiful blue sky Spring days for us all!
Happy Fresh FriYAY!