Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Let the Tomato Parade Begin!

Today marks the beginning of our tomato canning production.  Each year we have a goal of canning a minimum of 104 quarts of tomatoes. Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I work around the clock getting all our tomatoes done. This year our older daughter wanted to learn the process and do her own canning. Let the Tomato Parade Begin!
We have so many tomatoes ready  
The picking is easy today!!!! 
First baskets ready to go 
A quick blanching 
Jars at the ready 
Stockpot of Fresh Crushed Tomatoes ready to can
Time to fill the quart jars 
Her very first quart of tomatoes  
Starting to fill the canner  
First 12 quarts done!
She is a tomato professional now!

1 comment:

  1. So do you sell those tomatoes? I’d love to buy fresh canned tomatoes for chili and spaghetti sauce I can us throughout the winter


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