Wednesday, November 17, 2010

November Thankfulness Day 17.....smorgasbord

When I woke up this morning I was greeted by a fairly annoying case of the stomach "flu".  I am sure it is one of those quick passing bugs but honestly - I just don't have time to feel poorly.  I made many quick and urgent trips to the bathroom today and I believe have pretty much caught up on my magazine reading. I made a decision early on to not eat a single bite of food in the hopes of lessening my time devoted to reading whilst visiting the porcelain throne. I kept a good front going all day and continued to get most of the things crossed off my list.  Admittedly, folding my mountain of laundry wasn't the most taxing of efforts, but I didn't crawl into bed and feel sorry for myself all day long EVEN though I really wanted to.  I managed to make it through the day but when it came time to prepare dinner - NOTHING sounded good.  Food in general didn't sound good.  The most daring thing I could possibly consume was chicken noodle soup out of a can.  Of course my family was hungry and ready for dinner so what could I do???? SMORGASBORD time! Gosh I love leftover night.  Especially leftover night when I really don't do a THING except pull everything out of the refrigerator and place it on the counter. Now before you feel really sad for my family because I didn't cook anything tonight, our leftovers are always really good. I cook all week long so there is usually a great selection.   Tonight's offerings: Pad Thai Peanut Pork and Green Beans, Grilled Steak and sauteed mushrooms, Pasta with artichoke hearts, sundried tomatoes and crispy chicken, and the good ole standby - salad.  Not a complaint to be heard.  My family was happy with the leftover smorgasbord and I was grateful for a refrigerator full of yummy food.  It is indeed possible to be VERY thankful for leftovers!  No cooking!  No cleaning!  No mess!  It is the perfect meal.  Everyone got just what they wanted and I opted for a few sips of chicken soup.  I didn't get much down, but I am optimistic that tomorrow I will be feeling fine.  The refrigerator is all cleaned out.  My family is fed and I have just enough time to get a bit of work done and then head for the couch to recuperate. Leftover night - thank you.  I have a smorgasbord of reasons to be thankful for today!

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