Saturday, July 21, 2012

One month left

Exactly one month from today - all the kids will be back in school. Sigh. I was never the kind of mom that was eager for summer to be over. I know some moms who are so excited when the kids go back to school but it always makes me sad. I hate the end of summer because then it is back to homework and sporting events and homework and bedtime and homework. Did I mention homework? Oh how I love the never-ending, "Did you get your homework done yet?!?" conversation each and every day. I am already dreading the thousand pieces of paperwork that will come home on the first day, all asking basically the same information over and over and over again. I mean don't they have this stuff computerized by now?  I would love it if they just sent home paperwork that asked if there were any changes since last year. If the answer is no - VOILA! DONE!  That would be awesome.  I know that is just a dream that will never come true - but hey - everyone should have dreams! For now I better start dreaming on how to spend our last month of summer.  We haven't had time to do anything fun yet so I want to be sure to save a couple of days for doing something purely recreational. Mr. Yesteryear Acres has barely had time to get his fishing pole out.  The pond is definitely lonely! I also have one big cleaning project left to tackle so that has to be at the top of the list. Tomorrow I am taking my younger daughter shopping for college supplies. Yes. Reality set in.  One month left of summer.  GO!

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