Sunday, November 17, 2013

1000+ Likes - Thankfulness Day 17

I love getting emails and messages and Facebook posts on how our sweet doodle doggies are doing. It really makes my day to open up an email and be greeted by a most adorable furry face.  I really love having puppy families post on our Facebook page. It is nice for other families to be able to see our Yesteryear Acres doodles all grown up and loving life. Just this week our Facebook page hit 1000 likes!  I am so excited.  I know it doesn't seem like a very big deal, but it is a big deal to me.  1000 people have visited our page and liked our pictures and stories and blog posts.  That is awesome! It has taken me quite a few years for our page to reach 1000 likes and I am excited that we have reached that milestone.  Next up...2000 likes!  That would be EPIC!  I think when they see the adorable pictures that our sweet puppy families have posted like......
Dishwashing Doodle

Happy Birthday Doodle

With Cake!

I love my new home Doodle

Let's open a lemonade stand Doodle

Why yes, I would love some tea.....Tea Party Doodle

Swingset Doodle

AND Best Doggy Award Doodle
They won't help but like our page too!  Thank you for all the great posts!  I am so very thankful for each and every one!  Doodle Happiness every day!

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