Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Errand Company - Thankfulness Day 20

Today I had a list of errands a mile long because you know....... Thanksgiving is coming!  Thanksgiving is coming!  We are going to have one packed house full of family and friends.  Yesteryear Acres will be bursting at the seams!  I figured with the countdown looming, I better get busy.  Today was get everything done NOT Thanksgiving related.  I am planning on making this weekend Thanksgiving shopping extraordinaire so today was everything else.  My list was really long and some of it was big heavy not so fun errand things - like a dozen bags of dog food. I mean that is a lot of dog food. That is a lot of lifting.  That is a lot of loading.  What to do. What to do.  That's when my dear son offered to go with me!  I did let him know that I had returns at several stores and none of them had sporting goods, dog gear or tools.  I almost lost him on that one! Thankfully he still agreed to go with me AND drive. Yay!  I hate driving. We were gone all day long and the company was just perfect.  I had all day with my son.  I got most everything crossed off my list. I didn't have to load one single bag of dog food and I didn't have to push the flatbed at the store. SCORE! So thankful!  Thank you son! You are awesome!

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