Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Delicious Blustery Snow Day!

Early this morning my Brother's school was cancelled due to frigid temperatures and a very windy snowfall. I was so excited to have another day with my Brother before I go back to school at the end of this week. What a lucky day! To make the most of our extended weekend (he had Monday off too) I got up to make everyone breakfast. Who doesn't love Irish oatmeal in the morning!? It takes a long time to cook, but the steel cut oats are absolutely the best! A yummy hot breakfast on a very cold morning did the trick. The warm Irish oatmeal got us all toasty from the inside out and ready to face the blustery outside. Our doodle doggies were really glad we were warm enough to take them outside for a fun romp in the snow! I call our puppy Grits a snow puppy how much she just loves to go out and play in the snow. She was so adorable trying to catch all the snowflakes in her mouth! She also really likes it when I make snowballs for her to chase and eat. I think she might be part polar bear. After our snow romp I decided that this snow day needed chocolate chip cookies. I mean who doesn't like a warm cookie after being outside? My Brother absolutely LOVES chocolate chip cookies and always whines a bit when I spend my time making "fancy" cookies. You know the kinds that take wayyy more then the 5 minutes it takes to make chocolate chip cookies, and I feel so accomplished afterwards, like "wow those cookies took a lot of work and just look how pretty they are!" and when I ask him to do a taste test he is ALWAYS like "ehh, it's okay. I like chocolate chip better".  ARG!! So on this snow day I gave my Brother his plain boring chocolate chip cookies. And I will never let him hear me say it, but man he was right. I haven't made chocolate chip cookies in forever and they were so darn good!!! Keeping with the trend to do as much cooking as I can before I go back to school, I decided to make cook-to-order omelets for diner. We had all the fixings anyone could ask for, four different cheeses, tomatoes, sauteed mushrooms, caramelized onions, ham, peppers, and spinach. Mmm they were PERFECT if I do say so myself. We even had croissants and fresh squeezed orange juice or grapefruit juice to go with it. Now to finish off our delicious snow day I am off to the kitchen to make a big pot of hot chocolate! Because who doesn't love hot chocolate with marshmallows AND homemade whipped cream on a blustery snow night like this!?

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