Saturday, February 6, 2016

81 Years Of Excellence

Today we celebrated Mr. Yesteryear Acres mom's 81st Birthday. 81 years of pure excellence! Mr. Yesteryear Acres mom is the most brutally honest, blunt, and fiercely loving person I have ever known.  You never have to wonder what she is thinking and when she tells you something, you believe it.  To be loved by her is to be loved with a love that knows no end. Her love envelopes you in a cocoon of compassion, security and unconditional support. She is a devoted mother, grandmother and great-grandmother and is deeply loved by her family.  Mr. Yesteryear Acres mom has a smile that can light up a room and she fills my heart with love.  She is a source of strength and wisdom and is a guiding light for my family. We are blessed to be loved by her.
We sent pictures to my son and daughters - so even though they couldn't be there in person, they could still share in the celebration.

Happy 81.......or is it happy 18?  You are only as old as you feel!

Cake Time!
and in true Yesteryear Acres fashion........... 
The cake was gone - just like that!
Happy 81st Birthday!

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