Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Maple Time Is Here

Hello First Day of March!  It is so nice to see you.  Even though our first day of March came in like a lion AND a lamb.....I know that Spring weather is not too far away.  With the welcoming of March comes Maple Syrup Season time and...........Maple Double Doodle puppy time! Our sweet Maple has 11 beautiful Double Doodle puppies to love.
Just look at her beauties!

We have 6 boys and 5 girls 
And all 11 babies are doing great

We have light apricots and dark apricots

and caramel puppies too!

They are so snuggly sweet

Maple is doing an excellent job caring for her little ones

Here are a few of the boys

and the girls

Bellies full of milk

and sweet dreams for all!
Maple Time is Here!


Feel Free to Comment, Post Doodle Pictures and Share your Thoughts!