Friday, October 28, 2016

Farmtastic Workout Day

Today I made the MISTAKE of asking my parents if they thought I had gotten enough physical activity lately. With the dreary rain and cold that set in for a majority of this week, it just didn't feel like I moved enough. Well let's just say I feel much better now... If you ever feel like I did at the beginning of today, just ask Mr. Yesteryear Acres for a farm workout and he will get you all squared away. After our normal work was done, I got to run and carry 35lbs and 45lbs bags of dog food from the SUV to the house. Run from the house, grab a bag from the SUV, speed walk back --- Run from the house, grab a bag, speed walk back. TIMES WHAT FELT LIKE INFINITY. Now here at Yesteryear Acres we are very particular to what kind of food our doodle doggies eat, so we have perfected a blend of many foods to make the most delicious and nutritious meal possible. I fully support this, but as you can see this requires A LOT OF BAGS OF DOG FOOD. After about an hour of this, I then had the privilege of carrying heavy logs and re-stacking the wood pile closer to the furnace. As a 'cool down' my lovely Mom had me walk back to the garden and collect eggplant (I know.... HOW could she possibly think of more meals that contain eggplant!??! BUT SHE CAN!) I also got to pick a few tomatoes for tonight's dinner. I now feel like I have officially caught up on my cardio and my strength training. Dear Parents... thank you for the workouts! I now feel like jello and am ready for a nap!!!

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