Saturday, July 28, 2018

I Spy - Garden Edition

One of the things we love most about summer is the garden that Mr. Yesteryear Acres lovingly cultivates. We are definitely a food family and what is better than fresh ingredients!?! Am I right!?! Today's trip back to the garden became a wonderful game of I Spy! I am proud to report that fresh goodness is on the horizon! 
Our green beans have leaves again! Stay away deer doodles! This batch is for us! 
One purple blossom ready to become an eggplant
And I spy future eggplant parmesan!
Our tomato plants are really getting tall
I spy some baby green tomatoes!
I spy Mr. Yesteryear Acres' favorite... Okra plants! 
And some happy peppers!
I spy more over here too!
Can't wait to harvest the beets! They make excellent accompaniments to fresh salads
And so do cucumbers!
I couldn't miss spying this gorgeously huge cabbage
Hello zucchini plants!
I spy some little squash under all those leaves
And where there are zucchini there must be... 
and we can't forget a summer essential!
Sweet corn!!
Officially reporting that the sweet corn is Taller than my Thigh at the end of July! (similar to the well known phrase, Knee high by Fourth of July, but hey you have to improvise when the planting of the garden got a late start. Thanks Mother Nature)

Keep growing garden!!! 
I don't know about you, but now I am hungry!!!
Bring on the garden goodness!



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