Sunday, August 22, 2010

Best Meal of my Life

Today was the very last day before school starts.  Tomorrow will be a sad day as the kids go BACK TO SCHOOL and yes, I will actually and truly miss them. I LOVE it when they are home. It is the best time of the whole year. I dislike school starting as much as the kids dislike it.  It is a hard adjustment for me and for them!  For some odd reason the school system here ALWAYS picks my birthday as the day school starts.  If my birthday falls on a Tuesday - then Tuesday is the first day of school.  Wednesday - yep you guessed it.  So this year Monday IS the first day of school and yes tomorrow is also my birthday. If we can, we like to have my big birthday dinner the night before because the first day of school is always hectic.  To me, the very best birthday presents in the whole world come from the heart and of course my family has the very bestest and biggest hearts so this birthday was no exception.  My family made me the very best meal of my life!!! Oh my gosh it was soooooo good!  Everyone worked together to create the birthday masterpiece.  We cooked everything outside so the mess stayed outdoors.  Excellent idea!!!
The menu:
Delicious Homemade Rotisserie Style Chicken, Sweet Potato French Fries and Fried Tomatoes.  And for favorite cake in the whole world. Swiss Chocolate Cake with Classic Chocolate Frosting. It was HEAVENLY!!!
Here is Mr. Yesteryear Acres hard at work.

His masterful creation of fried tomato slices.  Honestly - the best thing I have ever eaten.......EVER!  They were soooo good!!!!!
Mr. Yesteryear Acres made 4 cookie trays full of tomatoes.

I am a very good assistant to the Chef. See how hard I am working?

Mr. Yesteryear Acres made a TON of teeny tiny itsy bitsy julienne strips of sweet potato fries.
OH I love these!!!!

I think I ate a garden full

Mr. Yesteryear Acres can not be outdone as Master of the Grill
Birthday Kiss
My perfect cake.  I LOVE chocolate!!!!

Thank you for the best birthday dinner!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Renee! Looking at all of that wonderful food is making MY mouth water!!!!


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