Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Coffee for Two

This morning Mr. Yesteryear Acres surprised me by having our coffee all ready in "to-go" cups.  I followed him outside in my pajamas and he had cushions all ready and we went out to the dock to enjoy our lovely cup of joe.  It was lovely.  The sun was still low in the sky and created beautiful colors on the blue water in our pond.  We sat on our lounge chairs and slowly sipped our steaming cups of coffee and just talked.  Just the two of us - well the two of us and a couple of doodle doggies.  A doodle doggie makes the very best blanket you know! They are nice to have on your lap on a cool morning. It was really nice to be able to have a morning together with my husband uninterrupted. No questions. No emergencies. No errands. We haven't been alone to chat since....since....hmmmm - well I am thinking it was on our drive to Annapolis back in May. See?  That is a long time to not sit and chat with your very best friend.  We talked about our plans for the fall and what we wanted to get accomplished. We have lots of plans and big hopes for things to get done around the house. And then we just sat back in our chairs and soaked up the quiet. I have to admit I enjoy quiet much more than I used to.  I used to hate quiet times and would busily think of all the things I needed to do or I would worry about something or someone.  I never could just sit in the quiet and find it relaxing. My mind couldn't let go of my many to-do lists and quiet seemed an enormous waste of time.  I don't feel that way any longer and this morning I really enjoyed the stillness. Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I watched the fish swim across the water creating waves as they went by.  We watched the mockingbird family fly to and from their nest in the pine tree.  We watched a deer eating the apples off the ground by our apple tree. We looked at the clouds and sky and green pastures and smiled. It was a little slice of heaven right there added to our morning coffee. It almost....just almost...made me feel okay that the kids were all at school. I mean if they called right then and said they were on their way home - I would be REALLY happy - but I have to admit, that sitting there on the dock, in the peace and quiet, surrounded by nature, with a warm doggie blanket, holding hands with my husband, was pretty darn perfect.  I have to give it to Mr. Yesteryear Acres.  He really knows how to start the day with a smile.

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