Friday, February 1, 2013

Weather Delays

We had great intentions this morning when we got up at O'Dark-Thirty to head on home. Once we turned on the TV News and looked out the window....all our good intentions were of little use.  The roads were awful.  There were accidents everywhere.  We checked out the road conditions for our route home and they were all under Red or Orange classifications.  It just didn't seem like it was worth it to head home when the maximum speed limit for the majority of our trip on the road was 25mph.  We decided to try to head home later and spend the day getting our daughter's apartment finished.  We did take a small break this morning as we visited the Marine Corps Museum.  It is something we both have always wanted to do but have never had the time.  It was a great experience. I have to admit, there were quite a few instances when I teared up.  To see all the sacrifices made - it is quite overwhelming. The main theme I saw repeated again and again was that each and every Marine fights for the Marine to the left and the Marine to the right.  They fight for one another.  My daughter has echoed that same sentiment many times.  There is nothing she would not give for a fellow Marine.  If you ever get a chance to visit the museum, I highly recommend it.  It is an experience not to miss. The rest of the day was very similar to our day yesterday.  Lots of moving and unpacking and cleaning.  Once again we are SO tired but feel happy with all the progress.  It is now 9:00pm and we are finally in the car and heading on home.  Here's to clear roads and good weather.  Goodbye to our much beloved Second Lieutenant Command and Control Systems Officer.  We loved every minute we spent with you!

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