Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Thankfulness Day 29 - Joy

I am so thankful for the joy that doggies bring to our lives. There isn't a day that goes by that isn't filled with happiness and tail wagging devotion. We are so blessed and grateful our lives are full of doggie and puppy antics.
Ohhhhh Mr. Yesteryear Acres - I found your big leaf pile! 
Come on Olive.....I will show you how it is done!

First you need to smell the leaves....ahhhhhhh 

Then you need to dig a big hole 



Almost there

Now it is essential to bury your head

You need to be sure to coat both sides evenly

Don't forget the top of your head 
That should about do it
Oh the final step
This part is crucial 
Cover all the evidence as quickly as possible!
Now wasn't that fun?!

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