Monday, October 25, 2010


As some of you know, I am an avid stalker of our mail carrier. I am anxiously awaiting the delivery of my younger daughter's college acceptance letters. I know that the actual stalking should not occur until after Christmas, but that of course doesn't stop me from my daily stalking ritual.  Well in today's mail, a BIG envelope arrived from the Coast Guard Academy! Ooooooh how I wanted to rip open that envelope and see what was inside! It was from the ADMISSIONS office!  Being the calm, cool and unexcitable person that I am.... I immediately texted this photo to my daughter at school:
See how calm I am?  See how big the envelope is?  See how much anticipation is building?  My daughter was super excited and wanted to come home early.  I was super excited and wanted her to come home early. Of course she stayed for the entire duration of the school day and of course I calmly waited for her to come home.  At no time during the day did the little voice in the back of my head say, "you know - they don't send out acceptance letters until Christmas".  The voice in my head said, "WOW I BET THAT IS AWESOME NEWS!"  I kept myself busy while I waited for my daughter to come home.  I cleaned the puppy boxes, washed the dishes, did the laundry, made dinner and cleaned up puppy poop again and again and again.  The day still managed to drag on and finally about 5 minutes before she was due to come home, I ran outside with the doggies to greet her as she pulled in the driveway.  Mr. Yesteryear Acres came up to the house even though he was in the midst of a big project. We all gathered around as my daughter opened the big ever so interesting suspense-filled envelope. AND what was inside??!!!?????  A new brochure on the Coast Guard Academy!  ACK! A brochure?  A brochure? We already have brochures.  We already have the Coast Guard Academy DVD.  We already have the Coast Guard Academy sweatshirts, sweatpants, hats, keychains, t-shirts and coffee cups. Guess I am back to stalking my dear mail carrier.  I suppose it is for the best.  She would definitely miss me if I weren't out there waiting for her every day!

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