Monday, December 20, 2010

By the Light...

Tonight promises to be another amazing celestial wonder. Tomorrow is the official date of the winter solstice and around 2:30am this morning there is a total lunar eclipse. The combined events of the solstice and the lunar eclipse is a rare occurence and I am excited to witness it. Of course our alarms are set and we are ready for the big event.  The moon rose this evening around 5:30pm as a huge orange glow over the hillside. We all stopped what we were doing to watch it slowly rise.  It was already a sight to see and made us all excited for the big event tonight.  We are thinking hot chocolate, marshmallows, sleeping bags and big comfy jackets are a necessity for the eclipse viewing. The only hard part will be actually getting out of our nice warm beds when the alarm goes off.  I will have to walk upstairs and wake the kids because they will for sure sleep right through their alarms and then we will all head outdoors to see nature's art work.  I hope to get some good pictures and be able to share them in tomorrow's blog. It is supposed to be amazing. It is yet another gift from Mother Nature to help us celebrate the magic of the season.  With our snow covered fields and sparkling stars - all of outdoors is dressed and ready for the holiday. I am ready to be dazzled by the beauty of yet another one of nature's masterpieces. May your evening be merry and bright.

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