Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday Homework

This morning all 3 of my children awoke to a boatload of homework. My older daughter is recuperating from eye surgery and has a ton of makeup work. It is quite frustrating for her, as she can clearly see the gigantic stack of assignments and books awaiting her, but can't see well enough to read any of the material.  She is just not having a good day.  She is still in pain so she isn't feeling well and the dreaded pile of homework just sits on her desk and mocks her. She doesn't know how she will get it all done.  I keep telling her to hang in there and hopefully by this evening she will start to feel better and can get started on some of the work.  I feel for her because I can hear how frustrated she is. Tomorrow she has a follow-up appointment with the doctor so I am hopeful that she will start feeling better soon.  My younger daughter also has a good deal of make-up work because she was absent on Friday for her official college visit and was out-of-town all day yesterday at a swim meet.  She started in on her homework first thing this morning and will be working on it late until the evening. The first thing on her list was to email the head of the zoology department at one of the colleges she visited. She wanted him to know how much she enjoyed the college tour and especially the zoology labs and classrooms. The department chair wrote back to her right away with the most thoughtful reply and totally made my daughter's day. I think I saw glistening in her eyes as she was just filled with happiness over the immediate feedback. It was so great to see her so excited about her future.  It was a most wonderful start to the day. My son had a paper to write and french homework and he too began on his assignments as soon as he woke up.  I decided to join them in the dining room while they both worked - and the morning was actually really pleasant despite all the work that needed to be done.  Everyone was in a great mood and had the right attitude for attacking the workload.  I read the Sunday paper and replied to my emails and was available for spell checking and question answering. I made cinnamon streusel muffins which I believe contributed to the happy mood in the room.  The dining room smelled delicious.  My son had to write a paper about a teacher that made a difference in his life and he chose to write about his first grade teacher.  We had the best time looking back and remembering what kind of books he read back then (his favorite were the Henry and Mudge books), the field trips they went on, and the many times the puppies came and visited his classroom.  His paper was easy for him to write as there were so many good memories from that year. It made Sunday morning homework time ... a fun family time.  I can tell you that fun family time and homework time generally never go together! This was quite a treat and made this morning so enjoyable.  We all had fun.  Who would ever guess - Sunday Homework = Sunday Family Fun!

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