Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dog Diary Day by Olive

This morning bright and early I took my son and daughter for a quick impromptu trip to Northern Michigan. Our chocolate labradoodle Olive came with us.  Here is her Diary:
OH boy OH boy!!!!  Why are we waking up when it is dark outside.  Why is the alarm going off at 4:30am?  Why is my bestest boy Austin getting dressed?  We are going outside?  We are going outside!!!!!!  Oh boy.  What is all that stuff in the car? OH Noooooo!  Austin is leaving me!!!! Wait a minute....he is calling me! He is calling me to come with him!!!!!!  I am jumping in the car. Lucky dog. Lucky Dog.  I am going for a ride. Yea! Yea! Yea!
Okay....why are we still in the car?  We have been in the car for HOURS.  I think I am bored.  I am going to chew my froggie some more.
Still in the car.
Still in the car.
HEY WE ARE STOPPING. YEA!!!!  I have to pee!!! Let's go run around!!!!  BACK TO THE CAR??????
Still in the car.
Still in the car.
I just love listening to those great ole radio classic stories on the radio.  Father really DOES know best!
We are STOPPING! OH BOY!  Look at the woods!  Look at the LAKE!  This is SO much FUN!  Oh....someone is running out to greet me.  Austin says she is my Aunt. She looks really happy that I am here and is scratching me behind my ears and hugging everyone. She is really nice.  She has other people with her and they all love me too!
Did someone say "W A L K!?" YEA!!!!  Look at all the trees! Look at all the squirrels! Oooooh SAND! I have never been on sand before.  OH MY GOODNESS! I have never seen such a big lake before!!!!!
OH BOY!  Let's play catch!!!!!
Brrrrr!  This water is C O L D!!!
I am getting to be a very good swimmer!!!!
This is the best doggie day ever!!!
I wonder what we will do tomorrow?????

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