Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Have you ever seen the Saturday Night Live skit, "Really?" Where the Saturday Night Live anchors go back and forth with the REALLY?! over something incredulous. That is how I feel today.  The Government of The United States of America has been shut down.  Really!?  You are closing all the National Parks?  Really?!  You are closing down all the monuments?  Really!?  You aren't allowing veterans to visit war memorials? Really?!  You might not pay the very citizens you are supposed to govern? Really?! You are unable to provide instructors and hold classes for the midshipman and cadets at our service academies? Really?! Government websites such as the Center for Disease Control are unavailable. Really?!  The list goes on and on.  I am not going to jump on a soapbox as to where the fault lies but I am going to rely on another Saturday Night Live skit for my advice........FIX IT!

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