Wednesday, September 7, 2016

And the Answer is.....Plant Number Three!

Earlier this summer my Dad called me and said, "Hey Amelia we have a lot of extra peppers, would you like some?"and of COURSE I said yes. I have never had so much regret in my life. The seemingly innocent "sweet" banana peppers were indeed anything but. I had chopped one up and put it in my garden fresh salad and felt like I had actually taken a bite out of the sun itself. These peppers were SO HOT I thought I was going to lose my tongue. I told my Dad and he said that I was crazy. He had been eating the peppers all summer out of the garden like carrots. Well for once my Dad was WRONG! Well sort of... we were both right. It wasn't until my Grandpa called my Dad asking if he had accidentally given him some sort of jalapeno pepper that my Dad started investigating further. For the record my Dad had only planted sweet banana peppers and therefore there was no possibility of cross pollination. Once everyone in the Yesteryear Acres' clan had eaten a flaming hot pepper we HAD to get to the bottom of this mystery. So today my Dad had the HILARIOUS job (probably only to me) to taste test the peppers in the garden. I have never laughed so hard watching another person eat peppers in my whole life. It was like Russian Roulette but with lava hot peppers vs normal peppers. He tried all the various colors of sweet banana peppers on the first plant... so far so good. Then he did the same to plant number two.... also fine. I could tell he was starting to have some doubts like maybe it was just a few crazy peppers and everything was back to normal. That was until plant number three. The pepper my Dad was so spicy he could barely choke out the words "RIP THE ENTIRE PLANT OUT OF THE GROUND". I desperately tried to stop my hyena style roaring laughter to ask him if he really wanted to pull out the entire plant. He could only nod yes as a pepper induced coughing spasm broke out. Well here it is folks! The worlds hottest we-don't-know-why peppers! 
Bye plant number three! You shall torture us no more!!
The fear of the peppers is real
One spicy bouquet!

We will now be able to enjoy the rest of our peppers without fear!

Mystery Solved!! 

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