Tuesday, August 15, 2017

30 Years of Love

Today is a very special day for two of the most wonderful people I know. It is Mr. and Mrs. Yesteryear Acres 30th wedding anniversary!!! I am so lucky to have such wonderful and loving people as my parents. Not only are they the most hardworking and thoughtful people I know, but they are also my best role models for what a happy relationship and marriage should look like. For all 24 years I have been alive, I have been in awe of everything my parents do for each other. They might not be the most mushiest gushiest people on the planet, but their idea of romance is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. They have an excellent balanced partnership both personally and in business. After 30 years of marriage I still see my Dad reach for my Mom's hand as they walk back to feed the fish. I still see my Mom sneak a kiss during farm chores, even when they are both covered in dirt and mud. I still see my parents look at each other like they are the best things that could have ever happened to each other. It is inspiring to my very core. They are best friends, soul mates, and everything in between. If I find anything even remotely close to what my parents have, I know I will be the luckiest girl in the world! They support each other through everything. Life is tough, and we have all seen our share of the not so good times. I have always known without a doubt, that my parents would always be there for one another. I have never ever seen them waiver. They are so strong, so dedicated, and more in love with each other everyday. I wish them all the happiness in the world! 
Making everyday a special day
No matter what they do... 
As long as they are together <3 p="">

Happy 30th Anniversary Mom and Dad! Here is to many many more beautiful years of love!



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