Saturday, February 22, 2014

Captive audience

Today I was the captive audience for my son's science presentation.  He is participating in a bio-fuel diesel project for a state science competition that will be held tomorrow afternoon.  His group came over today to practice their presentation and I was the designated audience participant.  Many hours later - I think they have it down.  We worked on eye contact and a bit of dynamic personality to their speeches.  I think they are ready.  After the umpteenth time they ran through their presentation, it was time to disband and head on home.  I mentioned that I was going to take a long walk at the arboretum. I was surprised when I had volunteers for company.  What?  You want to go with me? I mean let's face it.  I am the mom.  That is pretty uncool! They assured me they did want to go. They prefaced it with something like, "I don't have anything better to do" but I know that translates perfectly into - yes we would like to go.  I filled  up the SUV with doggies and large teenage boys and hit the road. We walked a little over 5 miles in the beautiful sunshine.
....Come on mom!

Am I lucky? Yes you bet!!! I wouldn't trade a day like this for anything. 

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