Friday, February 28, 2014

Puppy Mobile Success

This morning when the alarm went off at 0'Dark-Thirty - the doodle doggies did not leap out of bed.  The doodle doggies did not wag their tails with their usual good morning wag.  The doodle doggies took one look at me and then laid their heads back down and went back to sleep. What!?  Traitors!  I begrudgingly made my way down the stairs and began to take the puppies outside. It was a whopping 2* so it was a very quick and very cold potty break! Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I then loaded up the puppy mobile and I was on my way. I have to say the drive was lovely.  The snowy landscape and the bright blue sky made for a beautiful drive.  I love to see mountains all covered in snow.  I made it to my puppy deliveries early and everyone was sooooo excited to meet their new furry family members.  It was 30* warmer at my puppy destination and the sun felt wonderful! The puppies thought so too!  Now I am off to go pick up my daughter's furry best friend Blossom. I should be able to see my daughter at midnight tonight.  My original plan was to spend the weekend with her but now it looks as though Winter Storm Titan might have other ideas. I will hate it if I have to leave first thing tomorrow morning. Such a long drive, no visit time AND a really sad goodbye.  Sigh.  Winter Storm Titan.....could you delay the storm until Monday?  I would really really like to spend the weekend with my sweet daughter.  Thank you.
 I have been really upbeat and positive about this non-stop winter weather and have appreciated all the winter beauty but will cry rivers of tears if you force me to leave tomorrow morning.

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