Sunday, January 11, 2015

Getting Prepared... Ice Storm?

Hi everyone! This is Amelia back from my winter term class in Peru and filling in as the guest blogger this week.

To say I was unprepared for this crazy winter weather would be an understatement. Stepping off the plane I was still dressed in my sunny and 85* outfit and was immediately hit with a blast of Arctic air. What is this cold stuff?!? I definitely stuck out with my sunburnt nose and freshly freckled shoulders. Luckily my Dad is always Mr. Prepared. He picked me up from the airport with ear warmers, my winter coat, the car heat turned on full blast, and a steaming thermos of fresh coffee. He even made me a packed lunch with delicious goodies from home! Warmed up and full I was ready to return to life north of the equator. We have been in full swing here at Yesteryear Acres as another string of winter storms are heading our way. Getting prepared for the ice rain snowy mix possibly heading our way requires help from everyone as there is so much to do. We set out early to run our errands in town to make sure we had enough: milk, bread, eggs, and other food for the week, gas and diesel fuel so our vehicles have enough energy to defrost AND run (yes this has been a problem before, YES I am looking at you Mom), kerosene for the lanterns, straw and hay for the animals, and firewood for the humans. Now we are battening down the hatches! I ran around today and made sure all the window shutters were closed to keep in the heat and double checked all the radiators in the house to ensure they had enough space to emit maximum heat. I checked to make sure all our batteries were charged, flashlights were ready, and my Dad made sure the generator was good to go. I also caught up on all the laundry and dishes in case we lose power so we won't get too far behind. During all this craziness I also made Bri her belated birthday cake, a carrot cake in the shape of a heart with pink colored cream cheese frosting with white cream cheese frosting decorations, since I was in Peru for her birthday. Thank goodness baking helped warm up the kitchen!! I have been so cold here!! Even though all of Yesteryear Acres is ready for the next round of winter storms, my newly tanned/burned skin is not! It is still longing for the warm Peruvian sunshine and fresh ocean breeze. Hopefully this blanket barricade I made myself will reduce the shock of winter and get me ready for some fun in the snow!

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