Sunday, November 1, 2015

Thankfulness Month - Time to Give Thanks

Every November, we take time out of each day to give extra thanks.  I feel that Thanksgiving Day is not enough time to show our appreciation of all we are thankful for, so instead of just one day of thanks, we spread our thankfulness out for the entire month. Each day of November, I will share our thankfulness moment and I hope in turn, you will take time out and reflect on your own moments of thankfulness. I believe that expressing gratitude each day allows for greater happinesses and much appreciation for the beauty in every day.

Today I am thankful that my son and Bri came home this weekend to help work at Yesteryear Acres.  I needed some extra help and both of them dropped everything to come here to lend a hand.  I am so lucky to not only have such awesome help, but also to have 2 people who love what we do here.  They love Yesteryear Acres with all their heart and it shows in their devotion to our Doodle Doggies and Doodle Puppies and kitties and horses and our farm.  I am also thankful and super proud of them for getting to the Voting polls early for election day!
My Voters
Very Official! 
They make me proud every day
So Thankful

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