Sunday, January 17, 2016

Almost a Lunch Date

This morning Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I took off for the big warehouse club shopping expedition.  We had our list ready.  We had our game plan set.  We were on a mission to get in and out of the warehouse club and then go out for a lunch date before we had to head on back home.  Perfect plan! When we got to the warehouse club, evidently everyone else had the same plan.  The club was packed full and it took forever to get everything.  It didn't help that we were stopped every few minutes with the "is all that dog food for one dog????" and the "how many bags of dog food is that?" and of course the "do you guys have dogs?" questions. Mr. Yesteryear Acres was quick to reassure all the curious shoppers that the dog food was for us and it helps keep our teeth pearly white! By the time we actually got to the SUV and started to unload the cart, the snow began falling in earnest and all hopes of a lunch date faded with every falling flake.  Time to get back to Yesteryear Acres.  At least we were lucky and had delicious leftovers waiting for us. I guess that can still count as a lunch date!

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