Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Busy as a Bee

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.  That is the sound I heard this afternoon while I was working on my computer.  Then I saw the cats running around leaping into the air trying to save me from ........... THE BEE INVASION!
Yes.  That is right.  I looked out the window and hundreds of bees were banging against the window and several of them were finding tiny crevices and making their way inside.  Mr. Yesteryear Acres was busy out mowing the field and I couldn't reach him. It was just me, the fly swatter and my very brave cats against the bees. When I finally was able to fill in the little crevices and block the home invasion, I ran out to the field to get Mr. Yesteryear Acres.  There is a clear division of labor here and bee invasion is absolutely on his list.  Thankfully Mr. Yesteryear Acres was able to save the day!  He used some smoke bombs and diverted the swarm and our house is once again safe and sound and bee free. The only thing left to do now, is to listen to Mr. Yesteryear Acres UnBEElievable jokes and how BUZy he is.  Busy as a BEE!

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