Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Goodbye Geese

We have been having so much fun watching our 6 little goslings grow.  The last two weeks the geese have been playing almost daily with our little twin fawns out by the pond.  They have been having a great time chasing each other and scurrying back and forth from the woods to the pond while the parent geese and deer just watch the playtime ritual.  The geese have been getting more proficient in their flying skills with each passing day.  They have gone from just flapping their wings, to running and flapping, to 10 seconds of airborne flight in just 2 weeks time.  Last week when we went to the pond the geese were making flights to the next field.  Sometimes we would find them hanging around our pond but other times, they were nowhere to be found.  We haven't seen our geese for a good 5 days now so it is clear that they have officially moved on. Goodbye Dear Geese!!!!  We enjoyed watching you hatch, and grow and thrive.  We will look forward to next Spring when the parent geese return and have new little goslings for us to love.

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