Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Perfectly Square Piece of Plastic Wrap

For the past month or so, we have had a roll of plastic wrap that had the most warped and ruined box ever.  The plastic wheels that sit inside the cardboard box were smashed and didn't roll properly, the cutting edge of the box was also warped and could not cut the plastic wrap without ripping and shredding it and the entire box would fall apart every time you picked it up.  Each time I used the plastic wrap, I would dream of the day the roll would finally be empty.  It was a torturous affair. Yesterday I celebrated with exuberant joy when we threw away the box.  The last of the wrap was finally used.  Today when I went to get a piece of plastic wrap I forgot we had a brand new box. I cut my plastic wrap with ease.  It just came right off in one whole piece with one fell swoop.  The amount of sheer happiness I felt in getting my piece of plastic wrap was palpable. Then I thought about all the other times I got a piece of plastic wrap and didn't think to be appreciative.  There are so many things like that in life.  Turn on the faucet, water comes out.  Open the refrigerator, remove a cold drink.  Flip a switch, lights come on.  There are literally hundreds of simple wonderful things that happen each day that go unnoticed.  Today, let's all take a moment to be thankful for running water, a nice cold drink and a perfectly square piece of plastic wrap.  After all - it is the little things every single day that add up to one beautifully happy life.

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