Thursday, July 28, 2016

My Hero!

Guess what arrived today?????
Oh my gosh! I am so excited.  Literally none of my steps have counted for the past few days.  Every step was a step without accountability.  It was torture!  How do I know if I met my goal?  How do I know if I have enough active minutes? How can I keep my stats current?  My fitbit missed me and I missed my fitbit.  Today I have to go in for a multitude of medical tests.  I mean MULTITUDE.  I am a little nervous because what if the results are bad?  What if something is not quite right?  I know  that if something is not right, I will fix it and work at it to make it better, but I have been working very diligently and faithfully. I make lifting weights every week for my necessary strength training a priority.  I was previously diagnosed as being very under muscled so I have to get my lean mass up.  I have been adding more and more weights so I am full of hopefulness for a good report. Tomorrow when I go get my results, I will have my fitbit by my side!  We will get through this together fitbit! Let's start walking!

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