Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Be Like Maverick

Maverick is my very unique Doodle Doggie. As most of you know, Maverick came to me when he was 1.5 years old after living in a family situation that was not ideal. After a lot of retraining, dedication, love, and a name change, Maverick is my one of a kind grumpy goofball bubba. He is more cat like than dog and beats to the march of his own drum. And OH how I love him for it. One of Maverick's favorite things in the whole wide world is a sunbath.  
So when Hazel went down for her nap I decided that for my little bit of 'me time' today I wanted to be like Maverick
I opened the door and let him run outside until he plopped himself down in the grass to start sunning
And so I also plopped down into the grass to take a little time to enjoy the sun and my boy
Mav decided that my idea was the best one I've ever had
Pure puppy happiness
Sometimes you just need some sunshine and one on one Mama cuddles
What a PAWfect little moment with you buddy <3 
We hope everyone has some time to be like Maverick today

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