Wednesday, June 5, 2024

National Gingerbread Day

 If you could believe it, today is National Gingerbread Day! When I heard that this afternoon - SWEATING from another humid June day- I thought to myself.. "heck yeah I could eat some gingerbread" And thus my afternoon ' was booked.
Let's DO this!
First step is to always prep the baking area
Then it was time to cream the butter with the brown sugar
Then I added the molasses
I decided to mix blackstrap molasses and robust molasses for the gingerbread
After I added the ginger flour mixture, it was time to fill our cake pan for the oven
Filled and ready to make our gingerbread day dreams come true!
.... 1 hour 15 minutes later....
Gingerbread Done!
Until Mr. Yesteryear Acres came inside and asked where the iced topping was
And thus we have reached Iced Gingerbread Heaven!
I mean when its hot outside you ask for ice right?!?
Isn't it fun when inspiration can strike in the strangest of forms?
Happy National Gingerbread Day!

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