Sunday, June 9, 2024

I Wonder If I Can Make That

 I’m so lucky to have a Sister-in-Law like Bri! She fits right into our family and is one of the hardest workers I know! Between her full time nursing career, going back to graduate school, being a super mom, a best walking buddy, and wrangler of my brother..... Bri also has her own beautiful flower garden! She  spends any free second she has lovingly caring for her growing garden business and bountiful bouquets. I have been searching for something to get Bri to just show her how much I appreciate her and all the big and little things she does. I’ve been scouring Pinterest and Etsy for something for her flowers and it finally occurred to me… “I wonder if I can make that?!”
And so I set myself to work in the studio 
First up, fabric selection! Bri loves flowers (duhhh) and soft pretty pinks 
Luckily I knew exactly which fabrics and webbing just screamed “I’m for Bri!” 
My rough idea sketch of an open flower gathering “basket” to put in her fresh cut flowers so she can carry her picks of the day into the house without the blooms getting knocked around. I thought the fabric would be nice and soft against the petals yet sturdy enough to hold the weight of a big bunch
Outside and inside cut!
Time to make my basket sandwich and trim
I thought this kind of shape would be cute!
Time for embroidery! 
With my ideas whizzing around in my brain, I was glad to have a helper in the Y Acres Studio to keep me grounded 
Bri’s Fresh Cut Flowers
Waiting is the hardest part 
“Is it done yet Mama?” 
Yes! And it’s PERFECT! 
Now time to add in the webbing handles 
I CAN make my idea!!!
And I LOVE it!! 
Just one last step… Time to test my prototype for durability 
Ernie McDoodle says the handle placement is just PAWfect
It gives it the right balance for carrying 
“Mom I think it’s ready!”
Time to deliver my surprise!!
Happy Studio Flower Picking Sunday from the Y Acres Studio! 

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