Friday, June 21, 2024

Fri-Yay Summer Solstice!

 Happy First Day of Summer!!!
Today is the Summer Solstice and what better way to celebrate the kickoff of summer and the longest day of the year than with nature's own fireworks and confetti?! 
Floral Fireworks
And little firework streamers below
Beauty is all around
Time to celebrate!
Come on Hazel! Let's find nature's confetti 
Do you see a dandelion? 
You found one!
Ready!? 1...2...3....
Hip hip hooray! It's SUMMER TIME!
 Let's see if Ernie wants to celebrate with us
Ernie McDoodle! We have Dandelions!
"Confetti for me!?"
"Why thank you!"
"Time to go frolic!"
Ernie really knows how to PAWty!
 May your day bring you lots of sunshine, smiles, and nature's very own celebrations!
Happy Summer Solstice!

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