Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Love What You Do

Today I had the luxury of spending the day with a man who totally loves his job.  I mean completely and totally loves his job. He went to school to be an architect and really was talented.  He loves to draw and thought that being an architect was his calling. After 3 years in architecture school, he realized that it just wasn't for him.  He knew he wasn't the type of person to be bound by four walls.  He knew he was just meant for something different in life.  He tried several different jobs from surf instructor to restaurant owner and finally ended up becoming an excellent sailing captain.  He has sailed everywhere. He has lived  in Australia, New Zealand and now resides in Mexico. He spends his days sailing out in the endless blue.  He calls the ocean his office. He is completely happy with his life. He wakes up every day ready to see what the day will bring and every single day out on the ocean feels like his first time. He never tires of the wonders of the deep blue sea.  It was really nice to meet someone so completely content with his life. When kids go to school it seems that the only jobs people talk about are the big ones - doctor, lawyer, teacher, veterinarian, etc. The off the beaten paths of careers aren't really mentioned. The world is just a big huge wonderful place full of so many different opportunities.  There is room for sailors, and painters, and botanists and whatever calls at your very soul. I ended up raising cute sweet puppies. When I was in college, I certainly never dreamed that I could actually raise puppies as a lifelong career - but it is what calls to me and I am grateful for every single day. If you aren't happy with what you are doing - change it up. Find what nurtures and feeds your soul and then follow your passion. If you do, you might find that each morning, the sun shines just a bit brighter than ever before. 

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