Monday, April 9, 2012

And Happiness Was All Around

We had a wonderful Easter weekend here at Yesteryear Acres. The weather was terrific.  Spending time with the family was terrific. Playing with the puppies was terrific.  It was a perfect holiday weekend. Happiness was all around!
This is so much better than working on taxes!

We love it when you scratch behind our ears!

Sun bath time!

Who says CROCS aren't stylish?!

We do our best to look adorable

See? Awwwwww. Profile Picture!

This grass is so soft and so fun to play in!

Let's stay outside ALL day long!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Adorable! Do the chocolate puppies have blue eyes? I'm sure all the families waiting for their new little additions are so happy to see the pics. Picture Monday became our favorite day of the week!
    Christine - Rocky's Adopted Mom


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