Friday, December 14, 2012

All I can do is cry

As I sat eating my lunch today and watched the horrific events of the Connecticut school shooting unfold, I sat and cried. I could not stop crying for the longest time.  I am just horrified at the very thought.  I can't imagine how scared those little children were. I think of an elementary school filled with little kids full of Christmas happiness and goodness and innocence and then having someone come and end that.  I can't imagine anyone filled with that much hatred that would choose to kill little innocent children. My heart cries out to those parents who lost their children.  Every single one must have sent their child to school this morning thinking that it was just an ordinary Friday. Just an ordinary day right before the holidays with nothing too significant or important about it.  And then they got the call. I am filled with tears for each and every one of them.  I can't imagine the depths of their despair.  I can't imagine how scared all the children were who witnessed that tragedy. The whole thing is just unbelievably heartbreaking. Hug your loved ones a little closer tonight. Tell them you love them.  Tell them how lucky you are to have them in your life.  Never let a moment go by without realizing how precious life is and be thankful for every moment you are given.

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