Friday, December 13, 2013

NOW it can snow!

I have to say that for the first time EVER - I hoped it didn't snow. I LOVE snow.  I wish for snow every single day of winter.  There is never a winter day that I do not think about how much I love snow.  If it would snow 12 inches a day - that would be EPIC!  I would be in love love love.  But today I said, "Dear Mother Nature, I know you are sending more snow our way but would you be so very kind as to wait a few more hours before sending the frosty white crystals this way?" I must have asked very nicely because my wish was granted and we have remained snow free for the day.  The snow isn't supposed to hit here until after midnight. Yay!  My younger daughter was the last to check out of her dorm this evening as she is the RA for her dorm.  She had to do the last closing for the dorm and then she headed on home! For Christmas!  We were both worried she might not be able to come home until Sunday as we are due for another round of winter wonderfulness and the weather didn't look too promising for driving home.  BUT - thankfully Mother Nature waited and my sweet daughter made it home safe and sound.  So now I can go back to my normal behavior and sing, "Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!"  Okay Mother Nature, NOW it can snow!

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