Saturday, August 9, 2014

Hay! Job Well Done!

Against all odds - we got our hay in!!!!!! We worked until long after the sun set - but the rains held off and our hay is now baled.  We weren't able to get any square bales done so hopefully we will get a second cutting for our square bales. Thankfully we got a pretty good yield on our round bales and now we can put the endless discussion of "when will we get the hay in?" behind us.
One last test to see if the hay was really truly finally dry


Of course we needed a second opinion and Olive was glad to help

Our official hay tester

She says it looks good to me!

Time to bale!

See?  Hay baling IS SO MUCH FUN!

Lots of hay to move

The back field all nicely baled

Time to pick up all the bales

And move them off the field

It takes a long time to get them all in

And covered

You have got to be quick!  The next bale is on the way.

Ready for the next bale

Bri is an expert at covering the bales.
Hardest working hay balers around!
Hay! Job well done!

1 comment:

  1. It's a good thing you weren't fined for all of those round bales of hay. It was made illegal in Ohio years ago. Because the animals ain't getting a square meal. LOL


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