Thursday, August 28, 2014

So much love!

I suppose I officially have to put an end to my birthday celebration as today is a full 5 days past my birthday. I am not saying that I didn't love having almost an entire week of birthday celebrations. I mean who doesn't love birthday celebrations?!!! I was blessed with lots of family, love and a few birthday presents or two!
Mr. Yesteryear Acres Mommy made me a homemade birthday dinner with all of my favorite things AND a homemade pecan pie!!!!

My sister got me the most beautiful bowl

See?  It is even more amazing in person!  I am going to eat lunch from my birthday bowl every day!

My younger daughter got me a few of my favorite desserts. She even put notes on them that say that I can put them by my desk and eat them all by myself.  I don't have to share. Mmmmmm.  Cookies!  Chocolate!

I even got a homemade birthday card. This says,
Happy BIRTHDAY! Love Ellie.
She yelled BIRTHDAY when she read the card to me.  She put a lot of love and enthusiasm in her card!
And today as my final (your birthday is really truly over) present
My mom got me CANDY!  From the candy store!  Please don't judge me for my love of sour flavored sugar in a plastic straw. I know it is a wee bit unhealthy but mmmmmmmm! So good!  YUM!

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