Thursday, January 6, 2011

Oh yes, I would love to cancel my airline reservation

Did you know that if I drive my daughter to our airport, say my goodbyes as she boards the plane, then turn around and drive home....I will receive a text from her within 15 minutes of walking in my door saying she has landed safely.  Yep - by the time I drive home from the airport, she has already landed in Baltimore, Maryland.  Now in that same line of thinking - if I drive my daughter to the Naval Academy in Annapolis, say my goodbyes as she walks up the steps, then turn around and drive home....approximately 16 hours of my day will have passed me by. For all of you in the guessing mood - guess what I will be doing tomorrow.  Is it driving my daughter to the airport and driving home giving me loads of time to recover from not being sick OR instead is it driving through the snowy mountains (and yes it is snowing) and then driving back home all alone only to crawl into my bed around midnight tomorrow evening? Of course the answer is - I am driving her back to the Academy.  Oh my daughter is SO excited. 8 more hours with her mommy. No packing her suitcases to fit the FAA rules and regulations. No worries about what can fit into her bag and what can't. No worries about how to get from the airport to the Naval Academy. Nope. She doesn't have a worry in the world.  I am now once again Super mom.  She has asked me to drive her back to the Academy instead of having her fly back almost every day.  Everyday I gave her the same answer, "NO!"  This didn't stop her from pleading with me. She even said, "Pretty please" but I wasn't falling for it.  No was the answer.  No I wouldn't drive her. No and No and NO and especially NO because I already bought her return ticket! And did I mention that I was friends with a box of tissues and perhaps wasn't up for the long journey? And did it just start snowing with a vengeance today? And did I want to say goodbye to my pajamas? As it turns out, I actually need to deliver a puppy to Annapolis and the family waiting seriously needs the puppy now. It wouldn't be fair to them if I waited until I visited my daughter in February for her birthday. So, yes, I would love to cancel my airline reservation. I leave tomorrow bright and early and hope to be home before midnight.  Dear snowy mountains...leave a small path for me.  I am heading your way!

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