Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mais Oui!

My son showed me a new App he downloaded to help him in French.  I am not going to say that my son isn't AWESOME at French but let's just say....he isn't fluent either.  He is in French 4 and still has trouble carrying on a conversation. They don't practice a lot of conversational French at school. He can read French and get a fairly good understanding of it, but if I ask him how's the weather or how was his day or what does he want to eat for dinner, I am met with a blank look on his face and his reply is always, "oui???" I have hinted that speaking French  and understanding French when spoken to is one of the predictors of actually KNOWING the language. Now I took French class wayyyyyyyyyyyyy back in the dark ages.  You know wayyyyyyyyyy back in high school.  I haven't had a french class since.  Despite this, I totally kicked my son's butt on the French quiz app.  It was a lightning fast game for vocabulary recognition, both written and spoken words. SCORE!  My son is now determined to beat me and is practicing the next level.  Hey - who knows! Maybe when I ask him what he wants for dinner he just might say, "Poulet!"  I can always hope! Mais Oui!

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