Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Dear Nephew - You're Welcome

My sister texted me today feeling a bit overwhelmed.  She has a ton on her plate right now and so like any good older sister, I was quick to give her my unsolicited advice. I mean - what kind of big sister would I be if I didn't give her my unasked for opinion? My advice was simple - have your son help. My sister's son is 10 years old and an only child.  He is a much beloved and much adored member of the family.  He is a great kid and up until now, hasn't really been called upon to help out too much. My sister often jokes about how her son is glad that he does not live at Yesteryear Acres.  I do realize that here at Yesteryear Acres we work harder than most.  Our days start with the sun and end long after dark.  We work every day, holiday, rain or shine, cold or hot - we are working.  And our kids work just as hard as we do. As our kids were growing up, they did not receive an allowance. Working here is an expected part of living here.  Did they contribute to the laundry piles, dirty dishes, messy bathrooms and muddy floors??? Why yes they did!  So our philosophy is that we all make the mess together so we all clean the mess together. Our kids started helping out as soon as they could walk and they are still expected to help out.  There is no "vacation" here. Whenever my older daughter comes home for military leave - she knows that we will have boots waiting by the door for her.  Everyone pitches in. My younger daughter once said that she hated cleaning the toilets.  My response was, "Really? Wow!  That's surprising!  Because I LOVE cleaning the toilets......NOT!"  No one really LOVES housework but we do it. And you know what - my kids still LOVE being here.  They are hard-working, compassionate, thoughtful, helpful beings who love life and are grateful for all our blessings. So Dear Nephew, you are very welcome.  You can help your over-worked, over-tired, thoughtful, loving mom who does it all each and every day without asking you to help. You are going to be great at vacuuming. Your mom will appreciate it and even though you don't realize it right now......some day you will know that pitching in and doing your share makes for an enriched and happy and grateful life. Oh - and don't forget to bring down your laundry.
Love Aunt Renee

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