Thursday, October 9, 2014

Plain White T-Shirt

Early this morning Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I were soundly sleeping when our home phone rang.  We do not have a phone in our bedroom so we immediately jumped up and stumbled through the pitch blackness to run to the other room.  With our older daughter currently at sea, the sound of the phone ringing at that hour instantly causes concern. Who was calling? What was wrong? What emergency could there be? Well, there was no emergency. It was the high school's automated system calling us to let us know that today was picture day. Picture Day?!!! You mean the same picture day that we have written on the calendar?  You mean the same picture day that we were called about on Tuesday evening?  You mean the same picture day that we already know about?????? Oh my gosh!  I am soooo grateful for that call.  I mean how nice of them to call before our alarms went off.  How nice of them to call before the sun was up.  How nice of them to call to give my high school BOY hours and hours of time to get ready for picture day. My son notoriously wears the same thing..... steel-toed boots, blue jeans and a plain white t-shirt We often joke that if it weren't for the changing of the seasons in the background of our pictures, it would appear as though we took every picture of him on the exact same day.
This is what my son wears in the middle of winter walking on our frozen pond

This is what my son wears when his girlfriend comes over

This is what my son wears when we go out to the park

This is what my son wears when we stay at home

And this is what my son wears for our very special family portrait
I wonder......what will my son wear today for his school picture day? I am so glad he has so much time to prepare.  It can take hours to find just the right plain white t-shirt. I hope he has enough time!

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