Friday, October 31, 2014

Stay Longer

I was thinking that maybe my son might want to stay away from home a little longer. It isn't that I don't miss him - because Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I miss him so much!  It isn't that I don't want to feed him - because I miss cooking for him and I know he has to be starving.  It isn't that the doodle doggies don't constantly look for him to walk in the door - because there is the biggest doodle welcome committee just dying for their best buddy to come home. AND it certainly isn't because this morning when I went to go tend to his indoor winter garden, TWO of his tomato plants had broken and fallen over! Nooooooo!  How could you do this to me???? I have been faithfully caring for his garden and now ....2 broken pitiful tomato plants are just lying there in the soil.  I wonder if perhaps my son would like to stay away until........let's say spring rolls around and I can go find replacement tomato plants! Well here's hoping the rest of his garden survives. Maybe I should start baking his favorite cookies and homemade rolls and pie and cake and begin assembling gigantic man-sandwiches. Perhaps he will be so overcome with deliciousness, he won't notice that 2 of his tomato plants have a serious height problem.  Good plan.  I better get to the kitchen!

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