Friday, November 21, 2014

Nov 21 - Thankful for Nothingness

There are so many moments here at Yesteryear Acres where nothing out of the ordinary is going on.  Nothing earth shattering. Nothing newsworthy.  Nothing of particular merit or excitement .....just the normal ebb and flow and rhythm of life.  All of these seemingly ordinary moments are really what life is all about.  It isn't the big huge occasions or special celebrations. It is the day-to-day moments that fill our lives.  I am thankful for the "nothingness" because in my nothingness - I find the greatest happinesses.  When my son comes home from school and sits down to talk to me about his day - I am thankful.  When Mr. Yesteryear Acres walks in the door whistling a happy tune - I am thankful.  When my daughter texts me with a heart emoticon - I am thankful.  When my son's girlfriend calls me to tell me she got an A on her lab report, I am thankful. When my Doodle Doggies follow me around the house with their tails wagging, I am thankful.  I am thankful for long talks around our dinner table. I am thankful for cooking big dinners and having my family love what I have prepared. I am thankful for relaxing by a fire and watching the flames dance. I am thankful for all moments big and small. If someone were to ask me what happened at Yesteryear Acres today, I would probably say, "Oh nothing much".  Isn't that wonderful?

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