Sunday, November 2, 2014

Thank you November 2 for the Extra Hour!

I woke up this morning feeling so refreshed.  I woke up before my alarm.  I woke up on my own.  I woke up to find I had only slept half of my extra hour away and IT WAS HEAVENLY.  Ahhhhhhhh big comfy bed of sweet slumber.  I happily bounded downstairs and was greeted by a delicious cup of coffee freshly brewed by my sweet Mr. Yesteryear Acres. I then set about feeding the puppies, washing puppy dishes, emptying the dishwasher, putting a big pot of Steel Cut Irish Oats on the stove and fresh baked apple slices in the oven.  I had all that done BEFORE my morning alarm even went off.  I completely and totally enjoyed my gift of an extra hour.  My family did too! Thank you Daylight Savings time!  Not only am I so thankful for my extra hour this morning, I am thankful for an early nightfall tonight.  Secretly, I LOVE the winter months.  It gets dark early which means Mr. Yesteryear Acres actually can figure out that it must be time to come inside.  We no longer have 10:00pm dinners like we do in the summer!  We have dinners at reasonable hours. Darkness starts to fall and immediately Mr. Yesteryear Acres thinks, "Gee, it must be dinner time ....maybe I should put away my farming equipment and go inside".  November bet!

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