Friday, November 16, 2012

All Creatures Great and Small - Thankfulness Day 16

Life here at Yesteryear Acres means always having a animal companion to make our days better.  We love all our creatures both great and small.  We love the deer that frolic in our woods.  We love the fish that swim in our pond.  We love raising chickens and having fresh farm eggs. We love the goslings and birds and doodle doggies and all our doodle puppies. One of my favorite sights at Yesteryear Acres  is watching our horses out in the pasture. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't truly love seeing my horses. To me they are living beautiful works of art. I just love them. Sadly, today - we had to put one of our horses to sleep.  The vet has been back and forth trying to save our old pony but today he said there just wasn't any more they could do for him.  We are all so sad to say goodbye to Pappy.  He was a great pony. He was easy going and would do anything for a backscratch.  I am thankful to have had so many years with our sweet Pappy.
Pappy is the pony on the far left  
He fit in perfectly with the big horses
No matter what season, what weather, what time of day
The horses are a beautiful sight each and every day
Growing up with horses brings a special kind of joy and happiness that can't be found anywhere else
They give the best big hugs!
Pappy - we will miss you.  Thank you for being such a loving pony.


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