Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving Preparations - Thankfulness Day 20

I have been so busy getting ready for Thanksgiving Day.  There is so much to do and so little time!  Mr. Yesteryear Acres and I have been running around trying to get everything just right.  Today I have been cleaning, cleaning, cleaning! If all goes well...........we will be a PARTY OF FIVE by Thursday morning.  We are so hopeful that our older daughter will make it home.  She hasn't been home since early July.  Today I was busy dusting every nook and cranny of her room.  I cleaned and dusted all her American flags (and believe me - her room is full of them), her Congressional Flag, and all of her Marine Corps and Naval Academy mementos. My biggest Thanksgiving wish is that I get to say goodnight to her at home while she is safely tucked in her very own bed. I also cleaned my younger daughter's room as she is ON THE WAY HOME!!!! YEA!  She called me from the car to say her last class was dismissed early so she is on the way!  SO THANKFUL and SO EXCITED!  I am also very thankful for all the help getting everything ready for Thanksgiving.  Last night my son took THE LONGEST GROCERY LIST in the world and did ALL the Thanksgiving Grocery Shopping!!!!  I mean all of it!  He got every single thing on the list too!  As always, I am so thankful for all the love surrounding me at Yesteryear Acres.  It makes every day a day for giving thanks!

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